Daliya grains, also known as couscous or broken wheat are whole wheat grains ground to the size of small rice grains or even finer. These grains had widespread use before modern grain refining, and continue to be a well-loved staple for it’s ease of use and nutrition profile.
Daliya grains are unrefined and retain the high fibre and nutrients in the grain shell unlike refined grains like white flour. Daliya grains are excellent for diabetics as they digest slower and release sugar slower compared to refined grains, helping keep blood sugar levels stable. Trace minerals like magnesium are present, helping retain muscle strength and calming our mental state.
Daliya grains take between 15-30 minutes to fully cook depending on their size, and can be used in place of rice or other starches in dishes with their chewy texture, and can also be toasted to further amplify it’s nutty taste. Daliya grains can be used in porridge, salads and desserts. Daliya in biryani or pudding? The combinations are endless!
We proudly carry Devaaya Daliya flour, check it out and create a healthy dish today!
10 Health Benefits of Dalia and their Different Types, Indiagateflours
10 Health Benefits of Eating Dalia, Prorganiq
Broken Wheat, Tarladalal
Dalia Upma Recipe, FunFoodFrolic